Tuesday, October 15, 2013

You can do it, because Charlotte Says So.

Of course my first blog is going to have to be about diet and fitness - just like most of my post will be. With that said - I felt that this would be an important topic to get people talking about. Am I a nutritionist? No. Am I a fitness trainer? No. I'm simply a woman who was fed up with being fat and abused by this world's unending comments, stares and ridicule. And the worst part: I wasn't even over the 200 pound mark and I still felt the wrath of my coworkers and the tiny little girls strolling through the grocery store. If I felt that way - being able to hold my weight pretty well, imagine how those other women feel that have exceeded the 200 pound mark and don't hide their weight.

I guess I'm just fed up with the way we eat and the laziness that has come upon us.

One day I met a girl that was push 240 pounds, pre-diabetic and about to start working with a nutritionist. I said to her "Give me her card - I want to do this too". Long story short both of us see this nutritionist and while I've lost 51 pounds to get to my lovely 150 - my friend has lost over 102 pounds, bringing her down to her mid 130s.

Bragging? No! Please, take this as inspiration.

We all get to a place in our life where sometimes eating, (and thinking we are eating the right things), gives us a sense of control. When we are out with friends, we eat. Some of us eating occurs when we sit at home - alone. And even further, some of us eat because it is the only thing that comforts us after the man in our life beats us and then walks away to be with someone else.

Regardless of the reason for the eating, we must have enough strength and courage to stand up for ourselves. Stand up against our oppressors. Stand up for what's right. Stand up even when we are not the ones in trouble.

That is what this is. I am standing up for you. I know that someone out there is hurting inside with no where to turn. Who's Google-ing ways to rid themselves of the torments they face everyday and for those who are ready to stand up and take care of business. So, let's take care of business together.

I tell you about the dramatic (surgery and exercise free) weight loss because I want you to go to your doctor and tell them you need a referral to a nutritionist. Oh, by the way. Even if your not that heavy your doctor might write on the form that this is treatment for "obesity". It's ok. the fatter and sicker you are the most likely the insurance company will move your paper work right along. One insurance I had considered it to be "preventative" treatment and I didn't pay a dime.

So, stop making excuses. Go get started and let me know that you have. Remember, everyone's body is different and everyone has different breaking points. I am not a doctor and never have claimed to be, but I am a woman that had the best of luck with the nutritionist. My nutritionist changed my life. I lost over 50 pounds - I have 5 more to lose and I can run a 5K on my lunch break. Oh yeh - LIFE CHANGING.

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